
Showing posts from September, 2018

How to prevent hair loss while losing weight.

While there is numerous benefit of the slimmer waistline, but there are some negative points also. One of them is hair loss. Hair loss from weight loss is due to the telogen effluvium. Normally hair grows 1/2 inch per month for two years and then hair goes to resting phase known as telogen. After resting phase old hairs falls out and make room for new hairs. Approximately 10 % of hair goes into the resting phase. But due to the physical and emotional stress of dieting can cause more hair to fall out. Sometimes you lose weight rapidly which also lead to hair thinning. Hair loss is in women and men both. In such a situation, you can consult a doctor to address your hair loss concern or you can consider following things to control hair loss. 1. Lose weight slowly. When the body undergoes a sudden weight loss this act as a shock to your body and that can initiate rapid hair loss. Avoid crash diet and extreme fasting instead opt a gradual weight loss. Weight your self every week to m...

Do excessive excercise cause hair loss

Every one of us wants to look good. Exercise is one factor which makes our body fit and nice. We all know the benefit of exercising. Exercise will enhance your overall health. Specifically, exercise help to control weight, fight chronic health condition, improved energy and promote better sleep. But sometimes excessive exercise have negative effects as rightly said excess of anything is not good. Excessive exercise can cause the sleep disorder, fatigue and decrease the effectiveness of the exercise. If you are working out it means you want to look better. So another side effect of excessive exercise is much worrisome for you, excessive exercise can cause hair loss . Hair Loss Cause:   Excessive exercise demands high energy which may cause hair loss. It's possible that the hair comes under stress during physical exertion. Excersing without addressing the nutritional need can cause hair fall. We need a proper diet to avoid hair loss and for hair growth. To boost the physical per...